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Keepers’ Club Tacurong Hosts Successful Music Recital, Welcomes City Vice-Mayor

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Keepers’ Club Tacurong Hosts Successful Music Recital, Welcomes City Vice-Mayor

Keepers Club International · Philippines

Keepers’ Club Tacurong Hosts Successful Music Recital, Welcomes City Vice-Mayor

Keepers’ Club Tacurong conducted its 2nd Music Recital, marking a red-letter day for 28 beneficiaries of Keeper’s Club International. The event took place at Tacurong National High School in Tacurong City and received support from the school head, parents, and teaching staff, who expressed gratitude to the Founding Chairman of this youth organization, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy.

It has always been the good Pastor’s vision to mold and train juveniles to be the best in their craft and spare them from the entanglement of worldly affairs such as vices, internet addiction, and, above all, from leftist groups promoting godless ideology.

One member of the local government unit also attended the event, Tacurong City Vice Mayor Hon. Lina O. Montilla. She was amazed by the talents displayed by the youth and extended her gratitude to KCI for providing them with an opportunity to showcase their skills and talents, steering them away from vices and other unproductive pursuits.

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