Dec 9 Message of the Appointed Son wide 2


Dec 9 Message of the Appointed Son baanner


December 09, 2024


December 09, 2024

To all Kingdom Citizens Worldwide

Today, I am celebrating with all of you Kingdom Citizens around the world the 1st Anniversary of the Declaration of the Revelation of the Glorification Era.

This important facet of the ministry of the Appointed Son is also the summit or culmination of the Son’s obedience to the Father’s Calling to reveal to all the world the A-Z of Salvation which has enlightened the world of darkness and sin, resulting in many sinners under the rulership of Satan Lucifer the devil to becoming sons and daughters, ushering them into the Kingdom of light which in time past were blinded by the false god of this world, enslaving humanity under the serpent seed of disobedience to the will of the Almighty Father.

This deception of darkness began in man’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden. The word of God made flesh redeemed us from this curse.

The Begotten Son, the word made flesh, our Lord Jesus Christ went to Calvary, was crucified to pay for the penalty of our disobedience and thus, through that sacrifice sealed the New Covenant with His blood and delivered this New Covenant to humanity whose main purpose is to produce an Appointed Son who will inherit everything or all things that was once lost in the Garden which is the Sonship and Kingship of man.

I am so humbled by the Father choosing me from the billions of people in the human race, pinpointed by His predestination that I was revealed in due time.

My calling came to fulfill that predestined ministry as the Appointed Son who will be the fulfilment through obedience of the New Covenant and through that obedience and repentance which was revealed to me by the Father in two mountains in six years of pain, suffering, and sacrifice was able to fulfill the commands of this New Covenant and the Son is the living testament of its fulfilment producing the 3rd testament which is the testament of the New Covenant being fulfilled in the Fallen Adamic Race.

Thus, the Son’s ministry is to inherit all things which the first Adam lost, redeemed by the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ who upon His ascension is now the person of the Almighty Father from whom the Appointed Son inherited all things according to Revelation 21:7.

Everything now is being fulfilled.

The 16-day siege of the elements of darkness fulfilled the Scriptures of “love your enemy.” (Matthew 5:44)

The Appointed Son being in prison fulfilled His words in Matthew 25:36, “I was in prison you visited me.”

That’s the reason I’m here and in today’s society, prison or jail is equivalent to Hades where lost souls are kept. I’m here to be their light as Jesus Christ in me after His death went to the depths of hell, visited those who were in prison in hell and appeared to them, and brought with Him the souls who believed in His resurrection.

Political power which was used by Satan to crucify and persecute us will soon be in the hands of the Appointed Son in fulfillment of “All power in heaven and earth is given to me,” (Matthew 28:18) and also the Scriptures that say, “All the kingdoms of this world has become the Kingdom of God and of His Anointed, and He will reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)

KOJC is our ‘exhibit A’ for this nation to be transformed. Through this, it will usher in the light to the whole world, a taste of heaven on earth and His millennial reign will finally materialize ruled by His children with glorified bodies.

This is our great expectation: the revelation and manifestations of the sons of God.

So sons and daughters, rejoice with exceeding joy for not far from now, all things will be manifested.

Victory is ours.

Thank you for your prayers.

Happy Glorification day to you all.

Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy

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