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Pastor Apollo Gifts New Set of Suits to East Visayas Ministers

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Pastor Apollo Gifts New Set of Suits to East Visayas Ministers

Cebu · Philippines

Pastor Apollo Gifts New Set of Suits to East Visayas Ministers

Revolution of Excellence is an indivisible part of the Three Pillars of Kingdom Revelations.  It is a catch-all term that encompasses delivering outstanding results in one’s ministry, producing more talented and skilled workers who can contribute to the advancement of the Kingdom’s interest, and even by just looking smart as representatives of the Son. 

Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy has always been keen in this aspect, especially for Kingdom ministers who are in the spiritual forefront being entrusted with the responsibility of  soul-winning. They have to look and dress like the standard– the Son. 

In Central East Visayas, ministers from all over the region conducted their quarterly meeting held in the KJC Compound, Mandaue City, Cebu. Having been given the privilege to take care of the Father’s business in the Spiritual Revolution, they play a vital part in ushering more souls into the Father’s fold. Thus, the need for dressing the part for the authority of the Father through the Son to flow and bless their soul-winning stint. 

Recently, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy has seen this need. And through the goodness and kind heart of the Appointed Son, both the senior and junior ministers in East Visayas received a set of brand-new suits and perfume as a gift. In return, the recipients of these gifts are truly grateful for these blessings as they can utilize it for the advancement of the Kingdom’s interest in spreading the gospel of the Son for many more souls to be enlightened by the only message that will lead them to salvation.

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