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Prayer: Our Spiritual Lifeline

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Prayer: Our Spiritual Lifeline

by Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy · Give Us This Day · May 30, 2003

Prayer: Our Spiritual Lifeline

The Lord, through His Word, tells us that prayer is a very important facet of the life of a child of God. Prayer is as breathing to the physical body as it is to the soul.

So, if you have forgotten how to pray, it’s like forgetting how to breathe in the physical. That’s how important prayers are.

People don’t know what to do when they face adversity. They don’t know who to turn to. As children of God, we turn to Him, the Lord of our lives.

Let us offer our prayers to Him.

Don’t forget to pray. If you have forgotten how to breathe, it’s going to be tragic for you. James 5:16 tells us,

Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

The prayer of a righteous man has a significant impact.

Many people do not even pray when adversities strike. That’s the number one thing that people forget. They depend solely on human effort, and of course, they fail.

Luke 18:1 tells us that if you depend on your human strength and ability, you will fail. “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.”

You have to push through. Pray to God, and don’t get discouraged. Go back to prayer over and over again.

If you have not received the answer to your prayers the first time you came and then you prayed to God, don’t get discouraged. Go back the next day and pray that prayer again.

The Lord encourages us not to faint when we pray. And it is for us people who are serving God.

Let us always put everything on the altar of prayer. Whatever adversity you are undergoing right now, the first thing you must do is to pray.

Now, the problem of others is how to pray. We are used to memorizing our prayers, but the best thing you should do so that God will hear you is to go directly to Him. John 4:24 tells us,

“God is a spirit and those that worship Him must worship God in spirit and in truth.” 

Tell Him what you feel, your problems, and what is happening in your life that is not good right now, and then leave it in His hands, and the Lord will make a way for you.

Prayer is talking to the Lord. That is how we communicate with Him.

There is power in prayer, and prayer changes things. It changes people too. And through prayer, we receive God’s comfort and help in times of trouble.

There are answers to every prayer, and God answers the prayers of the people. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tell us, “Pray without ceasing.”

We are encouraged spiritually to pray without ceasing.

When was the last time you prayed?

You are having difficulties right now in your life, and you are losing your power and strength. You are weakening, inwardly and outwardly. Try prayer. Pray at least three times a day.

Pray before you go out of your house in the morning, and then pray before you sleep at night. Tell God about everything you want to happen in your life, and then ask for strength.

Let us humble ourselves in prayer. Ask help from Him, and you will see what will happen after that.

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