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The Power of Faith

man jumping impossible possible cliff sunset background business concept idea

The Power of Faith

by Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy · From The Guide Magazine · January-February 2007 Issue

The Power of Faith

When we seek God, we must seek Him by faith, and we must believe in what He says. Whatever He says in His Words is not impossible.

People have imprisoned God within the bounds of their limited minds. Let us not be confined by what our limited minds can understand. Give the Spirit of God the liberty to do what He wants to do among us.

Let Him move His mighty arms in our lives. This is only possible if we have faith that He is capable of doing great and mighty things.

The answer to our needs might not come right away, nevertheless, we must not care. We must not doubt God. We must believe in Him.

When people who are seeking something come to the Lord Jesus Christ, the first question that He asks them is, “Do you believe I can do this?” “Yes, Lord!” According to our faith, it shall be done unto us.

The only thing the devil can attack in us is our faith. If we have faith, he knows we can never be defeated because faith is power, and power equals authority.

When we have faith, we have authority, and when we have authority, we have power. We have the authority to command things to come, and they will come.

We have the authority to let things leave and will leave. He said that “…If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” (Matthew 17:20)

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