We are the culmination of everything written in the word of God. We are the product through the Appointed Son’s calling.
This ministry of sons and daughters who have been called from the world to the Kingdom nation by signing the covenant of repentance is the culmination of all that is written in the books to complete the salvation works of the Father Almighty.
The archangel who became Satan, Lucifer the Devil distracted all of that plan. It was aborted and because of the deception of man, using his freedom of choice, we have the product of that today, the serpent seed which is humanity.
Having their laws, having their constitution that they have made of their own, they interpret good and evil according to them; not according to God, but according to them.
That’s why we have, what they call in the world, “The Justice System’ which is not sometimes justice but injustice. It’s never perfect because even if you compound all the laws that man can do, that man can write, except a man be born in the spirit of obedience to the Father’s will, these laws are just nothing.
Crime, sin, death, and destruction are going to happen. Look at the laws. Look at the organizations. There’s the United Nations. All these powerful countries are supposed to be leaders of nations, but still, there are wars, and rumors of wars.
There are rebellions, there are killings, there are nations against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms, tribes against tribes, people against people. All of these are the orchestration of one serpent seed that came to Adam and Eve and propagated all over the world when humanity multiplied.
We are 7 billion human beings today. Not counting those that are before us, the generations before us which are also numbering to hundreds of millions, if not billions. Who will be facing the last white throne judgment, when all will be facing that judgment?
When you die physically, you are not dead, but you are just transmitted to another life which is eternal. Whether you are going to hell or going to heaven depends on how you live here and how you have known the commandments of the Almighty Father which He did not fail to give to humanity according to the level of their understanding.
In the time of Moses, in the time of the creation of man, from Genesis, the first 5 books of the Bible that the Jewish called “The Torah”. We can see how man degenerated into what He is today.
Up to the New Testament, we can see Jesus Christ coming over here to redeem us, to take us back to the original plan of the Father Almighty. And took away from the one who stole it from us, the rightful heir of the Kingship and the Sonship which is now stolen by the thief who came to steal, to kill, and to destroy.
Jesus Christ came and His mission— who is He? He is the word made flesh. He is God who is the word made flesh so that He can be the redeemer. Redeemer means to redeem what we have lost.
What have we lost spiritually? Our birthright. The birthright of Adam and Eve. The birthright of the fallen Adamic race. What is that? The Sonship and the Kingship, over all the powers that God has given man to dominate the earth as the Sonship, you own everything.
The Kingship is to dominate, to rule over all of the Father’s creation according to His Will. We lost that.
Many tribes made their laws interpreting good and evil according to them without consideration of the one who made the creation who is man. God is never present there. That is according to their wisdom on what is good and evil and that has ruled over the earth.
How many laws you make compounded with other laws still, there is a crime. Still, the prison holes are beaming with people who have transgressed those kinds of laws. They called them criminals. Why? Because man is unchanged from within.
Still, those laws will fail unless you change from within. That’s why if you have changed from within, you are born again in the spirit of obedience to the Father’s Will and you have been proven, using your freedom of choice to do His will no matter what. Then, the fruit of the spirit will be present within you.
What are those fruits? Love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, meekness, faith. Against such, there is no law. There is no law against love. There is no law against joy, there is no law against peace, there is no law against kindness and goodness and faith and long-suffering. There is no law against that.
That is supposed to be the spiritual character that should characterize a human being that was made in the image of God, but we lost all of that. We lost the image of God in us. We became the image of the evil who hijacked us from the perfect Will of the Father and put us in a place where he can dominate us using the serpent seed and making a god out of you, interpreting good and evil according to you.
Let us all change that. Jesus Christ came, took back the Sonship and the Kingship and now, He is going to give it back to the fallen Adamic race. But the question is, who is worthy, and who is qualified? The word of God says “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” No one is righteous, no not one. And then who will be?
All of us are qualified. Religion claiming to know Jesus Christ came and claiming that they have the authority, the dominion, the power that has been given to them. Nevertheless, it’s still a deception because there is no change from within.
They have short-changed, circumvented, diverted, and interpreted the word of God again according to them. It’s now the word of God that is following them instead of them following the word of God, because they wanted the word of God to suit their comfort, to suit their desires.
When you do that, you create either a denomination or a religion. Naming Him, deceiving the people that you’re religious but when you come inside and inspect and investigate what is being taught, Jesus Christ is never present. Jesus Christ is in name only because there is no obedience to His words.
So, heaven is still close to you because He said “Not all that say unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but they that do the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
Doing the will of the Father, and obedience to His will is the key to solving the age-long problem of sin.
When you preach about that like I’m preaching it, like I was entrusted by, that is when the spiritual warfare will ensue. That is when Satan who dominates you from the very beginning will activate His forces and range them all against you. That is when you will suffer persecution. You will be ostracized by people.
You will suffer evil in all forms. You will suffer bashing. You will suffer all accusations being put against you. And that is my life as the Appointed Son. Thirty-eight years of Kingdom Ministry. They have done that to me.
Am I worried? Am I sad? No. It is part and parcel of my being an Appointed Son because that is one of the things that I have to sacrifice, because He said, “Blessed are you when men persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake, rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven.”
We are happy today because of that. We have been entrusted with the greatest message that will save humanity and that will make you go to heaven.
In a spiritual household, the son is commissioned by the Father to stand in His Kingdom here on earth. It is a spiritual family composed of sons and daughters who are truly freed from the serpent seed and everything we see in the Kingdom is doing the Almighty Father’s will.
Psalms 127:1
Hebrews 3:4
Wherever you enter into the covenant, circumcision is of the spirit. We are now moving out of the flesh family. We are now moving into the spiritual family of Abraham.
We also have a circumcision here but not physical, circumcision of the heart. When you repent, you are circumcised by the heart, because out of the heart is all filthiness of the flesh.
Genesis 17:10
Deuteronomy 10:16
Jeremiah 4:4
The circumcision that I’m talking about now is being born again in the spirit of obedience to the Father’s will, rescuing all the fruits of the serpent seed which we have inherited from the very beginning, that is where we come in; we are now descendants of Abraham by faith and by promise.
The birthright was a tradition that stated the firstborn son of his family would receive a special inheritance from their father.
The firstborn son will receive a double portion of their father’s inheritance in the authority of the Father.
In the Hebrew family, it is equivalent to honor, it recognizes the special status of the firstborn son. It was very important, which son received the birthright as to Esau and Jacob.
Genesis 27:36
You, who have been called into the covenant, have a birthright like me. Don’t lose your birthright.
We preserve our birthright and make sure we do not lose our inheritance because if you lose your birthright, you lose your inheritance. Birthright is being a son and daughter of the Father.
We always appreciate the sacred things that the Almighty Father has given to us through His Son and not just trade them away for temporal things that this world has to offer.
Hebrews 12:15-17
Preserving the birthright means preserving and protecting our spiritual family name. Your family name is Jesus Christ. Do not lose that. Since the Appointed Son uses the Almighty Father’s name, the name of the Almighty Father is also our spiritual family name.
John 17:26
I John 3:1
Galatians 3:28-29
Now, because we belong to one spiritual family, our allegiance is to the Almighty Father only. We do not seek our pleasure or our comfort, but we see the big picture.
What is good for the Kingdom? What is in favor of the Kingdom? What will benefit the Kingdom is always our mindset. What will bring honor and glory to the Kingdom? Because when we prosper the Kingdom, we prosper everyone who belongs in the Kingdom family.
All of us, when we become born again in the spirit of obedience to the Father’s will, we are sons and daughters of the New Jerusalem. Our mother and our father in the spirit are here.
That’s why if you have that kind of affinity and spiritual affinity to the Son, even though you live in a faraway place, your heart is in the New Jerusalem.
Look at yourself now. Where is your heart? Is it here in the New Jerusalem?
In the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, there are no contradictions. Everything is in harmony with the Appointed Son.
Ephesians 4:3-6
We are all one in Him. That’s why we are all united as one family. Let us treat each other as one member of each family. Each one is a member of the family, whose family name is Jesus Christ.
So, let us uphold the standard of the Son in every area of your life. Do not compromise or water down what has been said or instructed by the Son.
Do not take the words of the Son lightly, but receive them with sincerity and great weight.
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